Sunday, 31 December 2017

Thank you & Happy New Year!


Thursday, 28 December 2017

Lush Boxing Day Haul 2017

Oh Lush you make fantastic products and you also hurt my bank balance!!
I love Lush and especially when they have seasonal products and their one off sale at Boxing Day.


Thursday, 21 December 2017

Zoella Fragrance Mists

I really do love the Zoella fragrance Mists, they have unique scents that can be layered with perfumes to create a gorgeous scent to last you all day.
So let’s have a look at the four most recent Mists shall we?

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Zoella Lifestyle Advent Calender

Okay before I start, this calender has got a lot of mixed press last month, especially on YouTube, I want to give an honest review on this calender.

This calender is currently retailing for £25 (originally £50) and from the contents inside I would say that the price range should be around £15-£25 for what you get.

Shall we dive in?


Sunday, 17 December 2017

Benefit’s Gorgeous and Go Gift Set

Okay so this is not a perfume blog post but how can you not blog about this gorgeous gift set from Boots!

Perfumes from my Grandad

Everyone has those first memories with Grandparents, Aunties and Uncles and extended family and one of my first memories with my Grandad was playing with my barbie dolls in his London flat or counting the money with my little brother he would put away from the past few months to give to us.


Monday, 11 December 2017

Bloom Collection: 12 Days of Christmas Calendar

I went a bit mad with Advent Calenders this year and I have no idea, I think the appeal was the brands I've always wanted to try and I think the excitement got to me but it also made some damage to the bank 😬


Sunday, 10 December 2017

Primark & Zoella Perfume Mists Miniatures

Perfume Miniatures are fantastic when it's Christmas time; they are easy to just slip into your clutch or bag at a party or work do and you can just spray quick and easy without the hassle of taking a 50ml bottle out your bag and making the whole room smell.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

New Beginnings

A New Beginning


'If you can dream it, you can do it' - Walt Disney

So it took me awhile to consider making a blog, I decided to put it at the back of my mind but every time I read a blog, I got jealous.

I read the blogs from Beauty Blogger and they are so interesting to read and I think I could write a blog whether one person decides to read it, a hundred people decide to read it (I doubt that but a girl can dream or just for to look back on.


So here we go.

Let me introduce myself, I'm Becky, 22 years old and I have a career in Education.

I have loved perfumes since I was little and smelling the amazing scents from my Mum's perfume collection and the gorgeous bottles these scents came in.

That's why I have decided to start a blog, to show you my passion for perfumes, mists and anything with an amazing smell, I will review!

This blog is also dedicated to my Grandad who passed away in October 2016, he was such an inspiration to me and I would love to do him proud so my first blog post (apart from this) will be about the amazing perfumes he brought me!

So reader(s), I hope you will enjoy reading my blog posts about perfumes as much I will enjoy reviewing them.




© 2025 PerfumellaBecca